
Updated January 22, 2023

Git repository for a software project with optional GitHub mirror.


terraform {
  required_providers {
    gitlab = {
      source = "gitlabhq/gitlab"
    github = {
      source = "integrations/github"

provider "gitlab" {
  token = local.gitlab_token
provider "github" {
  token = local.github_token
  owner = local.github_organization_name

locals {
  gitlab_token             = ""      # Generate this using the instructions below
  github_organization_name = "sr2c"  # Change this to your organization's name
  github_token             = ""      # Generate this using the instructions below

data "gitlab_group" "this" {
  group_id = 11925634                # Change this to your organization's GitLab group ID

module "projects" {
  source        = "sr2c/software-project/gitlab"
  gitlab_group  = data.gitlab_group.this
  name          = "terraform-null-example"
  description   = "An example Terraform module (null provider)"
  github_mirror = true
  github_user   = "ExampleMirrorBot"
  github_token  = local.github_token

Generating the GitLab token

To configure GitLab, you will need an access token. GitLab has a variety of scoped access tokens, including personal and group access tokens. Project-level access tokens cannot be used with this module. Create the type of token that is suitable according to your threat model.

Add a name so that you will be reminded of the purpose of this token when you go to look at it later. Your access token will need the “api” scope. The expiry can be set according to your threat model. GitLab will send an email warning to token owners 7 days before expiry allowing you to generate a new token and update your configuration.

Generating the GitHub token

To configure GitHub, you will need a “personal access token”. It is not possible to restrict a token to specific repositories, so it is best to create a machine user and then invite that user to only the repositories that should be accessed to limit the impact of a token disclosure.

To create a token, visit the New personal access token page of the GitHub settings. Add a note so that you will be reminded of the purpose of this token when you go to look at it later. Your access token will need the “repo” OAuth scope.

The expiry can be set according to your threat model. GitHub will send an email warning before the token expires allowing you to generate a new token and update your configuration.


terraform>= 1.0.11
github>= 5.9.1
gitlab>= 3.19.0




No modules.




descriptionThe project description.stringn/ayes
enabledSet to false to prevent the module from creating any resourcesbooltrueno
github_mirrorCreate a mirror of this project on GitHub.boolfalseno
github_tokenThe GitHub access token to use for mirroring (required if github_mirror is true).string""no
github_userThe GitHub username to use for mirroring (required if github_mirror is true).string""no
gitlab_groupThe ID of the GitLab group in which to create the project. If this is not specified, it will be created in the personal namespace of the authenticated user.numbernullno
nameThe project name.stringn/ayes
shared_runnersEnable shared runners on the GitLab repository.booltrueno
visibilityThe visibility of the project. Allowed values are “public” and “private”. This will apply also to the GitHub mirror if specified to be created.string"public"no


github_repository_git_urlThe URL to clone from the GitHub mirror using the git protocol, if created.
github_repository_svn_urlThe URL to checkout from the GitHub mirror using the Subversion protocol, if created.
github_repository_web_urlThe web URL for the GitHub mirror, if created.
gitlab_project_idThe ID of the GitLab project.
gitlab_project_ssh_urlThe SSH URL to clone/push this GitLab project.
gitlab_project_web_urlThe web URL for the GitLab project.
