
Updated November 30, 2022

ContactInfo information sharing scheme


terraform>= 1.3.0


No providers.


No modules.


No resources.


abuseEmail address of the abuse handling contact for this Tor relay. This is primariy relevant for Tor exit relays but can also be used on non-exit relays. The @ sign will be automatically substituted with [].anynullno
aesniAES-NI is available.boolnullno
autoupdateAutomatic unattended updates are enabled.boolnullno
btcBitcoin or OpenAlias address where people can send donations to support the operation of this Tor relay.anynullno
confmgmtStates what configuration managment system is used. Set to “manual” for no configuration management.string"terraform"no
costMonthly hosting costs the hosting company is charging for the server. Refer to the specification for normalisation rules.anynullno
cpuOnly relevant for relays running on bare metal. String without spaces describing the used CPU model.anynullno
dnslocalrootzoneRefer to specification.boolnullno
dnslocationExits only. Refer to specification.stringnullno
dnsqnameExits only. Refer to specification.boolnullno
dnssecRefer to specification.boolnullno
donationurlurl pointing to a website that contains donation information to support this Tor relay. This MUST be an HTTPS URL.anynullno
emailThis field contains the email address of the technical contact managing this Tor relay. The @ sign will be automatically substituted with [].anynullno
freetextFree text to be added at the start of the contact info string, typically containing a name of the operator or operator organisation.string""no
hosterCommercial hoster domain where this server has been ordered. This is supposed to help other relay operators and future relay operators to find hosting providers. Refer to the specification for normalisation rules.anynullno
keybaseThe technical contact’s keybase username. This identifier MUST be usable to create a valid keybase.io profile url.anynullno
mastodonurl pointing to the entity’s mastodon profile (responsible organization/person).anynullno
matrixMatrix user identifier for the technical contact for this Tor relay.anynullno
memoryNon-persistent memory (RAM) available on this server - measured in MB (Mebibytes). This is the output of free -m on most Unix-based systems.anynullno
offlinemasterkeyOffline master key is enabled.boolnullno
osString stating which OS distribution and version is used. Distribution and version is separated with a “/” sign.anynullno
otr3OTR version 3 key fingerprint without spaces. This key fingerprint relates to the xmpp address given in the xmpp field.anynullno
pgp40 characters PGP key fingerprint (long form) without leading 0x and without spaces. This key relates to the email address given in the email field, but providing the pgp field without an email field is also possible.stringnullno
proofThe proof field is only relevant when the url field is set. It is ignored when url is not set. The proof field gives the operator the option to authenticate the url field. Refer to the specification for more information.anynullno
sandboxSandbox is enabled.boolnullno
signingkeylifetimeInteger stating the signing key renewal interval in days.numbernullno
tlsWhich tls library is used.anynullno
trafficacctStates if this is an unmetered or metered offering. In case of metered bandwidth the monthly included outbound (TX) traffic in GiB (GibiByte) MUST be provided. If no traffic is included in the monthly costs, this value MUST be set to 0. If the hoster meters in+outbound the hoster provided value must be divided by two. This is an integer value.anynullno
twitterThe entity’s twitter username without the leading @ (non-technical contact). The user MUST be usable to create a valid twitter profile url. If the responsible organization or person has no twitter account, the technical contact’s twitter handle can be used instead.anynullno
uplinkbwLogical network interface speed in Mbit/s (1Mbit/s = 1 000 000 Bit/s) or the value of RelayBandwidthRate in your torrc setting (whatever is smaller). For asymetrical uplinks specify the lower of up- and download bandwidth.anynullno
urlThis field contains an url or hostname pointing to the website of the organization or person responsible for this Tor relay.anynullno
virtualizationStates the underlying virtualization technology used on which the OS is running. Use “baremetal” for bare-metal servers (not virtualized).anynullno
xmppXMPP handle for the technical contact of this Tor relay. The @ sign will be automatically substituted with [].anynullno
xmrMonero or OpenAlias address where people can send donations to support the operation of this Tor relay.anynullno
zecZcash address where people can send donations to support the operation of this Tor relay.anynullno


